Admintech UK
Updated 18.07.2024

Contract for works 

Contract for work on movable objects or premises, with a deadline, budget, materials, and costs to be specified.

Use this contract: 

  • To carry out general contracting work or services over a short or long period of time.
  • Whether the project consists of one or more tasks or stages, to be carried out by an estimated or precise deadline.
  • Whether the work is to be carried out on defined premises or remotely, on a customer’s movable property.
  • When the services are invoiced with an exact price, a fee quote, or an estimated price range.
  • Whether the customer is in UK or abroad, and whether they are a private individual or a company.




Jurisdiction: England and Wales        

Every contract has a 100% legal guarantee. No further checks are needed

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Protect yourself legally as a contractor with the following options: 

  • Indication of the quotation or estimated price with tolerated margin, and advance guarantee retainer. 
  • Indication of materials and costs to be procured and invoiced, with amounts pre-approved by the customer. 
  • Limitation of liability to the amount of fees paid and imposition of a short claims period by the customer. 
  • Authorisation to delegate, represent and sign on behalf of the client. 
  • Reservation of the intellectual property created and the right to use it, even by assigning it to the client. 

Safeguard your interests as a customer by using the following clauses: 

  • Limitation of the estimated price or indication of the exact price, with no commitment to pay more even in unforeseeable circumstances. 
  • Capping of costs that may be invoiced in addition to the price, and clear indication of the VAT to be invoiced. 
  • A firm prohibition on subcontracting, non-disclosure, non-solicitation and non-competition, even after the contract has ended. 
  • Unambiguous treatment of the transfer and use of intellectual property created and protection of confidential information. 
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Prepare your legally binding contractor agreement with the AdminTech document generator in just a few clicks and in 5 to 10 minutes